Department of UNESCO

UNESCO's technical department has equipped computer, printer, and scanner.

The main purpose of the UNESCO Chair are  explanation of the main tasks in the field of science, education and culture, aimed at creating a culture of international relations, ensuring close unity of the peoples on the basis of the best cultural values. The challenge is to develop on the basis of the concept of teaching the disciplines of cultural cycle explanation to students the essence and principles of intercultural dialogue and the organization of research within problem "Intercultural Dialogue in  modern world", which aims to define the paradigm of education in  modern course contemporary social culture. This issue included the following topics: The problem of intercultural dialogue in training students (Yuldasheva M.R.); The humanism - moral culture of Tajiks (Karimova I.H.); Philosophical problems of culture at the present stage (Saidova T.K.); the problems of creativity in culture (Rakhmanova R.I.); the social cultural studies as a factor of intercultural relations in the modern world (Satorova N.G.); The ethnopsychology the dialogue of civilizations (Tokaeva N.M.); Culture of daily occurrence (to a problem of interaction of the East and West) (Azizova S. A.); An education reform in Tajikistan: policy and strategy (Naimova V. R.)

 Within the framework of UNESCO Chairs were made field trips to the CIS and non-CIS countries: the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, USA, and Norway.

   On the scientific and methodical, organizational, educational and other work professor - teaching staff of the Department of Cultural Studies, Education, and Psychology complete information is presented:

-          Online RTSU, sites of UNESCO Chairs

-          The journal of University (RTSU). - Dushanbe, 2002, № 1;

-          In Payomnomai Farhang (Journal of Culture. Ministry of Culture of the RT)

-          Dushanbe, 2004.

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