Department of Philosophy and Political Science

The department of Philosophy and Political Science of RTSU was formed in September 1998, after the separation of the department of social and humanitarian disciplines. The head of the department was elected professor, Ph.D. Sharipov I.Sh , who headed the department until June 2001. From September 2001 to September 2002 as acting head of the department was Associate Professor, Ph.D. Hasanov S.A. From September 2002 to January 2010 the post of head of the department held a professor, Ph.D. Sayfullaev N.M. and from January 2010 to the present time the head of the department is PhD, Associate Professor Dinorshoeva Z.M.

The department has eight full-time teachers: 2 Ph.D., Professor (Sayfullaev N.M., Samiev A.H.), 1 Ph.D., Associate Professor (Dinorshoeva Z.M.), 2 PhD, Associate Professor (C Hasanov .A., Djuraev R.Z.), 2 candidate of philosophical sciences, senior lecturer (Holmatova L.Y. and Shoismatulloeva Z.Sh.)

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